Knowing that Felix and Domitia got into hair-mussing shenanigans last panel makes the look the ornatrix is giving all the better. “SIGH. Damn men, don’t they know how much work goes into this?”
there’s a lot to be said for swinging a great big sword about — does increase the breathing room, if nowt else.
as for facial expressions, I expect that was one lesson Felix did absorb while still in the army — never volunteer information you aren’t forced to volunteer.
I’m confused – some stuff (A) happens and then more stuff (B) happens and then A happens again along with some other (racy stuff), and then B happens again and it doesn’t look like the other (racy) stuff happened as Domotia’s hair is back to perfect before she sees the servants.
I think it’s confusing and needs a little more bridging in between. Problem is, the different parts were drawn so far apart in time, and at one point I’d been talked out of/talked myself out of going where the story (and history) were pushing me. Let me see if I can clarify with some art revisions, then I’ll quietly make the confusing art . . . disappear . . .
Ave, Klio!! one hopes all is well with thee! whenever things do bubble up we shall be delighted to read them! in the meantime, may Bona Fortuna smile on you and yours.
Thank you so much for the good wishes—same back to you. I was recently at World Fantasy Con in New Orleans and got so much lovely encouragement to pick the story back up again, advice for starting up in a way that won’t get me burned out trying to rev up again all at once. I really appreciate everyone who’s read the story!
Mkay. Sorry to hear that life is messing with you in the art sense.
You’ve crafted a hell of a story here, and we’ll support your efforts (to the point of paying if you want to take this over to Patreon or a similar site – speaking for myself, I get a “labor of love” but they call it “labor” because it’s work and that’s what you get paid for…).
Thank you—I very much appreciate knowing that you’ve enjoyed the story and want more of it. I got a little art done today, and although it wasn’t Romans, it did help me feel like I have some creative oomph beginning to refill the tank.
And I’ll let folks know if I get back up and running with Patreon 🙂
Well, this is embarrassing.
Maybe I always intended to restart in ’25, because it’s such a nice even number.
Regardless, I do hope you have happy holidays this year.
So what Does the medal say??
I was going to be all vague about it, but instead, I think I’ll have Felix go straight to show it to the resident polyglot (cousin Mus)…
More, we wants more, Precious, doesn’t we???
(not to mix metaphorical stories)
Felix’s expression in the last panel suggests he’s not buyin’ it…
I’ve been working those Felix-y expressions and giving them more refinement, but he keeps using only two (“suspicious” and “smoochy”).
Given his recent experience I’m kind of surprised it’s not “suspicious” and “more suspicious”.
Knowing that Felix and Domitia got into hair-mussing shenanigans last panel makes the look the ornatrix is giving all the better. “SIGH. Damn men, don’t they know how much work goes into this?”
Sssiiigghhhh…still no lunch for Felix. Well, not food, anyway.
Yeah. Even the dogs get fed before Felix.
Perhaps the lady prefers her partners to have a lean and hungry look. Et Tu? DRW
I suppose he could lose a few pounds. I sure could. I was thinking I should go back to swinging big swords at (un)suspecting people.
there’s a lot to be said for swinging a great big sword about — does increase the breathing room, if nowt else.
as for facial expressions, I expect that was one lesson Felix did absorb while still in the army — never volunteer information you aren’t forced to volunteer.
I’m confused – some stuff (A) happens and then more stuff (B) happens and then A happens again along with some other (racy stuff), and then B happens again and it doesn’t look like the other (racy) stuff happened as Domotia’s hair is back to perfect before she sees the servants.
I think it’s confusing and needs a little more bridging in between. Problem is, the different parts were drawn so far apart in time, and at one point I’d been talked out of/talked myself out of going where the story (and history) were pushing me. Let me see if I can clarify with some art revisions, then I’ll quietly make the confusing art . . . disappear . . .
Run for the Harbor! The Copiali Cypher is broken. Truths revealed!!
Felix: but I haven’t eaten inover a year!
two years!
Well it’s time for Felix to learn the modern joys of eating on the run! Just grab a doggie biscuit and haul outa there Felix mah man!
Running away right after mussing Domitia’s hair? Wham bam? “Alas, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!”
and that’s one woman you don’t want to have feeling scorned, especially if you want to keep your innards inside and your nethers out of the fire!! ;-P
nohtign to eat for Saturnalia.
Oh, boy!!!
About time for the biannual update.
I keep checking, but nothing seems to be happening with clio.
Has Vesuvius finally gone extinct? There’s been nothing rumbling for well over a year now, so…
Life really hit hard the past many many months. Vesuvius is still burning away—I hope something bubbles to the surface soon.
Ave, Klio!! one hopes all is well with thee! whenever things do bubble up we shall be delighted to read them! in the meantime, may Bona Fortuna smile on you and yours.
Gratias tibi ago. I might still get the whole work/life/more-life/creativity balance figured out!
The faithful keep checking, hoping there is a flood of story behind the dam.
There might very well be… (cue mysterious music)
Or…not. I keep dropping by to see if the lights are still on. But it seems like nobody’s home.
Well . . . I’m home, but actually turning the lights on has been hard . . .
Hi Klio! Past 3 years have been hell on everybody. Hope we all find better times soon. We’d all love to see more of your Romans!
Thank you so much for the good wishes—same back to you. I was recently at World Fantasy Con in New Orleans and got so much lovely encouragement to pick the story back up again, advice for starting up in a way that won’t get me burned out trying to rev up again all at once. I really appreciate everyone who’s read the story!
Please give us some hope that there will be some more SPQR Blues or put us out of our misery.
So…are we done here? I’ll be sad…but not shocked; things have gone far too long to suspect anything else.
Are you planning anything different? Elsewhere? Or is the whole “graphic art” over?
Even just a brief “goodbye” note would help…
I very much want to continue and have more story to tell, but not until I’m sure I can continue regularly and not stop in mid-stride again…
Mkay. Sorry to hear that life is messing with you in the art sense.
You’ve crafted a hell of a story here, and we’ll support your efforts (to the point of paying if you want to take this over to Patreon or a similar site – speaking for myself, I get a “labor of love” but they call it “labor” because it’s work and that’s what you get paid for…).
Thank you—I very much appreciate knowing that you’ve enjoyed the story and want more of it. I got a little art done today, and although it wasn’t Romans, it did help me feel like I have some creative oomph beginning to refill the tank.
And I’ll let folks know if I get back up and running with Patreon 🙂
ave, Klio!
huzzah for new work, of whatever nature! bet it felt good, too. woo hoo!
I’d rather have srpq interrustus than wait till you’re ready tonot stop.
Thanks—and a Happy Ides to you. Happy? Well, depends on your point of view, I suppose! 🙂
So…how are things looking? Feeling more gas in the tank? No?
Trickle by trickle…
Time for the semi-annual check in! How’s it going? Any tickling of ambition to move the story here along..?
My personal situation has changed with the new year. It’s a possibility.
I hope all is well with you and the new year will be a good one for you.
Good to hear! That things have changed (presumably) for the better for you, that is. As far as the Blues, well…still hopeful.
Happy New year
Happy New Year. The millennia just speed past, don’t they…
My New Year’s resolution was not to check this site anymore. Lasted about as long as most do.
My New Year’s resolution is to try to continue the story. I hope that my resolution will stick.
Felix considers eatign one of the dogs. raw.
LOL. They’re so small, though. Just a morsel.
Felix faints from starvation.
It’s a sign!
So…another year. Another…anything? No?
Well, this is embarrassing.
Maybe I always intended to restart in ’25, because it’s such a nice even number.
Regardless, I do hope you have happy holidays this year.