Hi! That’s a good suggestion—I’m going to do that 🙂
Mus says that, like a lot of adolescent and young adult men, he just needed some time to grow out of his awkward stage and then start his training on how to grow facial hair; he’ll keep working on that 😀
I pop in here about once a week and almost missed these head studies!
And I’m somewhat attracted to Mus now? Aha ha…that’s not creepy at all!
And yes, Felix should avoid smiling. It’s not that you draw it poorly, it just seems…unsettling for his character.
If I may, consider putting these up front, folks might be missing them tucked all the way in the link up top!
Hi! That’s a good suggestion—I’m going to do that 🙂
Mus says that, like a lot of adolescent and young adult men, he just needed some time to grow out of his awkward stage and then start his training on how to grow facial hair; he’ll keep working on that 😀