Sketch of the day: Antikythera guy
Today’s warmup sketch is based on the “Antikythera youth” statue that was found in the same shipwreck site as the Antikythera mechanism. On Fluid cold-press paper; pencil, ancient palette watercolours, no subligaculum.
I’m sure I’ll find all sorts of things to nitpick about the drawing in the morning, as I always do 🙂
And here I’m ignoring all the face portraits/paint tests after the first or second look and staring at the butts.
Uh–staring at the _artistry_! Really! (Honest!)
Let me just state that there are many photos of that statue from the front and from the shoulders up that could be used as a model for sketching.
I am just saying.
Said it before, and I’m not too proud to repeat myself: Artists got to draw what they like, or everything devolves into Garfield. You go, Klio! 🙂